Solar Lights

Tuscaloosa Co. leaders hope to solve pesky speeding problem with solar lights Leave a comment

TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, AL (WBRC) – A bright idea for schools in Tuscaloosa County: New solar powered caution lights in school zones.

The school zone near Myrtle Wood Elementary school was the first to get solar caution lights.

Since they were successful in getting drivers to slow down there, Now the Tuscaloosa County commission is trying them out near Walker Elementary.

Just like Myrtle Wood, Walker Elementary has been dealing with drivers zooming by in the school zone.

“We have had a problem with speeding in this area and I’ve gotten many parents asking about this,” said District 1 Tuscaloosa County Commissioner Stan Acker.

Parents aren’t the only ones who have been longing for a solution. The principal has noticed the activity on that street leading up to the school too.

“North Side Road we get a lot of speeders,” said Marsha Johnson Walker Elementary School Principal.

She said the drivers are coming into town and guesses aren’t catching any of the signs.

“We have had several safety concerns with our teachers when they are helping direct traffic,” said Johnson.

There have also been some close calls.

“Myself and other teachers have almost got hit by a vehicle because they were driving too fast,” said Johnson.

Those kinds of incidents are one reason Commissioner Stan Acker wants to bring in programmed caution solar lights placed on each side of this road.

“What we really hope to do is catch drivers’ attention and let them know, ‘Hey, you need to slow down. The school is in session,’” said Acker.

When the driver is in the zone and is going over the limit, the light will flash until they dial their speed back.

“I don’t think you can put a price tag at all on trying to save a life. You don’t know maybe if you will ever prevent an accident but at least we are trying to do everything we can.

Commissioner Acker said the caution lights cost around $14,000 coming out of their development fund.


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